Thursday 4 November 2010


Seperti biasa, antara itinery pagi sesampai di 'pejabat' Cardiff University ialah baca emel dan rangkaiannya 'mukabuku'. Hmmm... tak ada emel yang menarik! Pun begitu dalam 'mukabuku'. Posting item is newspaper scanning. Huh! menarik juga bila bukak The Guardian online. Baru saya teringat semalam (3 Nov) midterm election in US. Apalah nasib Barrack Obama? Apa sudah jadi pun di seberang sana pun tahu, kita hanya melihat dari jauh. Republican dah took over the House of Representatives (macam Parlimen di Malaysia!) tetapi parti Obama (Demokrat) masih mengusai House of Senate. Menarik! Tapi mesti pening untuk Obama dan yang pastinya bakal memberi kesan keatas pentadbiran US. Apa-apa usul/bill/legislation pun perlukan approval from both houses. Antara kesan yang dijangkakan akibat 'angin baru' ini ialah reformasi ekonomi US bakal tergendala dan mungkin kesannya akan di rasai oleh sekutu-sekutu US (semua oranglah tu!)sekurang-kurangnya sehingga 2012 iaitu tahun penentu Obama sebagai presiden. Yelah dah kalau 2 kepala dalam tu, bukan senang nak dapat mutual agreement on critical government issues. Apa-apapun ini pengajaran untuk Obama, orang kata wake-up call that the public should not be underestimated in any decision.

Indeed, it has never been easy for any shared/coalition government to manouvre the state administration. As simple as each party must have its own principles, priorities, mission and not least to mention is its political direction. Bercakaplah atau berjanji apapun masa berkempen...bila dah form government...hampeh! (Sorry to use this word!)The tolerance of the parties within the coalition government will always be sceptical. To what extent each of them would be willing to give up their principles as they have their own political milestones. Being a political entity, you could never put aside that from your main priorities, politics. The present British Conservative/LibDem coalition government is experiencing this. In putting up policies that thought to be of their best interest to the public, instead result to confusing priorities and thus perceived as ridiculuos by the public.

Not to mention the so-called longstanding of our National Front (Barisan Nasional, the bond among the parties within the coalition is just so fragile...on the tip of the horn (macam telur di hujung tanduk!). Memang selalu dinafikan oleh pemimpin tapi rasanya rakyat taklah sebodoh yang disangka... Used to be kept warm under their blanket, but has now started be openly discussed. Panas tu lama-lama bawah selimut yang sama bertahun-tahun!

Pakatan pun begitu juga... I guess the basis of the coalition pun not very clear and in fact the difference in aspiration is just so diverse among them. One is socialist and the other is Islamic based which one would find just impossible to compromise. Not to mention the PKR, which is still not firm in its direction within the Malaysian politic. Sebab tu lah banyak frog-leapping and this situation has jeopardised the trust of the public.

Jangan disangka ber'pakatan' akan memudahkan jalan kedepan...makin kusut mungkin. The process of give and take must be undertaken in a civilised spirit. The extent of compromise need to be seriously thought beforehand. Selalu jugak saya rasa penat membaca janji-janji mereka yang tidak jelas dan membingungkan rakyat jelata. Kesana janji ini dan kesini janji itu. Be steadfast with your aspiration. So much politicking, anyway, does not help the development of the nation and civilisation of the ummah. Maknanya kalau satu katakan satu, kalau Islam katakan Islam. Believe in His promise, one day you'll be in success.

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